Ambient Physical Decoration And Destruction

This set contains decoration items that feature sound and destructible logics.

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ATTENTION: This item will no more be continued for UE5 since I encountered some problems with physics that I was not able to fix yet. The package opens in UE5 but the way the sounds get triggered and the way contraint compnents react on physical objects behaves differently compared to UE4


The set contains 11 decoration items that feature sound and destruction effects.

All items are all self made and textured 3D objects.

All sounds are self recorded with a TASCAM mobile recorder.

Modified character features stable walking over collision objects a “grab” mechanism as also a custom shooting logic with a custom projectile.

However these are just in this package to demonstrate the physical objects.

Technical Details


The features of this set are:

11 textured 3D models that are used in 11 Blueprints

125 self recorded collision sounds set up in 12 sound cues

10 unique mapped Materials and 3 tile-able Materials using a total of 41 textures

• 1x 512

• 12x 1024

• 28x 2048

11 Blueprints for physical decoration derived from one base class

• implemented logic to play sounds at collision

• all 11 blueprints derive from one base class

• with option to make objects breakable

• pitch downshift when objects get scaled up

• color tinting, either manually or randomized via seed

• one tint-able standard shader with detailtexture and tint mask option

• one tint-able opaque glass shader with detail texture and tint mask option

Also two objects offer physical constrained content to sell the realism of these items. The paintcan and the bike.

Supported Engine Versions

4.13 – 4.27