Asteroid Field with Asteroid Stations Pack

16 realistic asteroids, 4 sci-fi asteroid space stations, 2 space skyboxes, and an asteroid field blueprint.

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This pack includes:

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 21

Collision: (automatically generated)

Vertex Count: 2k-3k for asteroids at lod0, 14k-16k for space stations at lod0

LODs: (lods 0-3 for each model generated automatically with LargeProp preset)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4 master materials, 6 instances

Number of Textures: 2 4k packed textures for asteroids, 4 4k packed textures for stations with 1 512k noise texture, 2 2k cubemaps for the space backgrounds

Intended Platform: Desktop, Console, VR 

Platforms Tested: Windows

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27