Backrooms – Poolrooms Modular Horror Environment

Get lost in the Horrifying Poolrooms with over 100 Modular Meshes!

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Get lost in the Poolrooms with over 100 Modular Meshes!

This modular environment is grid-snap friendly, with most meshes operating within the 50cm & 10cm grids (5cm minimum).

For a breakdown of features, please read the following lists:



Sound Effects

Baked Lighting

Each mesh comes custom lightmapped, with the unseen faces of each mesh having their lightmaps reduced to increase quality.

The floor of each water section has a specific floor Reflection Material. This material is used to help improve the Baked Lighting Global Illumination of the room – since transparent water materials dont contribute to GI. Each mesh with this material applied has a tag called “WaterFloor” – which the level blueprint uses to detect the appropriate meshes and swap out their material with the standard Tiled material upon BeginPlay. Open the Level blueprint to see how this works.

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 106

Collision: Yes, per-poly

Vertex Counts:

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 30

Number of Textures: 5

Texture Resolutions:

Supported Development Platforms: Windows and Mac

Important/Additional Notes: The Player Pawn seen in the Demo and Video is not included with this environment. To purchase that player pawn, please see the Horror Game Template – Backrooms Environment

Additional Notes: Planar Reflections recommended for this environment. Please turn it on in the Project Settings.

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3