Beach Pack – Environment

Full modular environment for beach stylized game

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This pack come with more than 100 items and some are animated. (881 files)

Tileset of sand and water.

Animated water tiles.

Modular wood structure

Modular tree and a lot of vegetations

Some animals like a Kraken ! (animated)

Some effect like Splash Bubbles

Perfectly tileable background

Some gameplay element like a log that can sunk, the urchin spike, the kraken attack, the bird, the coconut fall, and the beautiful gate for changing level. 

livazaki studio will keep going creating pack with the same style.

We can take commission. 

Feel free to ask any questions

Technical Details

Files format: PNG 32 Bits

Various frame dimensions everything is POW

Animation framerate: 24 fps

881 files

Tiles: Separated and tileset

Modular: Yes

Supported Engine Versions

5.2 – 5.3