
The Coordinates plugin lets you place actors in your level using real-world coordinate systems

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The Coordinates plugin lets you place actors in your level using real-world coordinate systems. First, drag a `LevelCoordinates` actor in the level, and set the coordinate system, the longitude and latitude of a real-world location, and the number of Unreal Engine units (cm) per longitude/latitude unit. The location that you choose in the LevelCoordinates corresponds to the (0, 0) location of Unreal Engine. You can use to find real-world coordinates in EPSG 4326. You can also change the URL if you need coordinates in another coordinate system.

You can then add an `ActorCoordinates` component to an actor that you wish to place on a particular real-world location. Clicking the `Move Actor` button on this component will move the actor correctly with respect to the `LevelCoordinates`.


Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of C++ Classes: 5

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64


Supported Engine Versions

5.2 – 5.3