Customizable Interaction Plugin

Customizable Interaction Plugin – Seamlessly integrate an interaction system with customizable detection modes, widgets and more. Made in C++ for optimization & advanced logic.

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*This Plugin is being updated constantly , expect price changes in the future*

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Customizable Interaction Plugin introduces an easily implementable interaction system, including numerous customization choices. These include various interaction modes, distinct detection modes, a customizable widget, and much more. Made entirely in C++, Customizable Interaction Plugin was developed to achieve maximum optimization while retaining advanced customization options.

You can easily add your own logic using the action events provided by the components, such as the OnInteract event, which is triggered after interaction.

Technical Details

Easy Customizable – All Options Can Be Customized via Data Assets.

Interactor And Interactable Components – Used to Easily Implement The Interaction System in Your On Blueprints or C++ Classes. 

Multi Detection Modes – Proximity From Screen Center and Proximity From Character. (Customizable Distance)

Multi Interaction Modes – Single Press, Hold. 

Hover, Overlap And Interaction Sounds – All of the sounds can be Customized.

Physics Simulated Interactables – Interaction Supports Physics Simulated Objects. Customizable Widget – Easily Customizable Widget including different shapes, different Shortcuts and more.

Number of Blueprints: 1

Number of C++ Classes: 5

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: All

Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3