Decals Road Markings

Contains about 62 Different Decals, placeable on the ground or on walls or how you see fit. Realistic Traffic Signs, Tire Tracks, Manholes, Parking Spots, Road Lines. You can change the Normal Strength & Colors inside the Material/Material Instances.

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Contains about 62 Different Decals,

placeable on the ground or on walls or how you see fit.

Each Material got it’s Material Instances,

inside the Material Instances you can control the

“Normal Strength” with the NormalPower Scalar Parameter Value Slider for more or less Dept in your Textures.


1) Open the “Decal_Road_Markings” Project.

2) Right click on the 0_Decals_Road_Markings_   Folder, Left click on “Migrate”.

3) Point it to your “Content” folder of your own project you want to use it with.

4) Open your project.

5) In your Project Settings -> Engine – Rendering,

make sure ” Dbuffer Decals ” is on. If not you may need to restart the editor.

6) In the “Search Classes” balk type :

” Deferred Decal ” , then drag & drop it inside of your scene.

7) Go inside the MATERIAL Folder,

pick any Material or Material Instances and drop it in the “Decal Material Slot”.

I hope you enjoy it.

Please Rate & Comment. 🙂

Don’t forget to buy me some beer. 😉


Technical Details


Texture Resolutions:

Number of Materials: 63

Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes

Number of Textures: 126

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: All

Documentation: Explained Here & Inside the Project.

Important/Additional Notes:

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3