Dynamic Parkour Trace System

A dynamic world trace system that provides back object height and depth locations and a landing location on the opposite side

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Disclaimer: This product is intended for use with the Unreal Engine Motion Warping Plugin

This system dynamically traces objects in front of the character to provide back a series of 4 locations and rotations to use with unreal engines motion warping system – With this asset you will be able to set up dynamic object vaulting, climb up to ledge with various modifiers to change the action on the climb up, misc actions such as tic tac and platform jumps, and others!


Any animations can be used!

Tutorial Playlist: Click Here!

Making a game with parkour is no longer a hassle! Now any game can have vaulting and / or climbing with a few simple steps!

System can also be reconfigured easily to use the location and rotation values in your own code as well!

Demo character set up for basic vault function using the Manny Jump sequence for showing the location vectors and how they impact character movement.

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 1

Input: None

Network Replicated: No – Update to come in near future with replication options!

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: Click Here

Important/Additional Notes: System is intended for use with Unreal Engines Motion Warp Plug in – To use this without the plug in is possible but requires disabling the motion warp settings inside the component blueprint – See documentation for more info

Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3