Firebase – Features

Firebase Features brings Firebase to your project. Display ads, gather analytic data, authenticate your users and more.

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Firebase – Features brings the power of Firebase to your project.

For Blueprints & C++

All methods have been written for both Blueprints and C++. Methods taking time to complete are converted to asynchronous nodes with multiple execution pins.

Cross Platform

Write code once and get it working on Desktop, iOS and Android.

Store and sync app data at global scale.

Run mobile backend code without managing servers.

Authenticate users simply and securely.

Store and sync app data in milliseconds.

Store and serve files at Google scale.

Earn more with your app.

Get free and unlimited app analytics.

Send targeted messages and notifications.

Modify your app without deploying a new version.

Drive growth by using deep links with attribution.

Track, prioritize, and fix crashes faster.

Get insight into your app’s performance and address issues quickly.

Technical Details

Code Modules


Additional Notes

Supported Engine Versions

4.23 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3