Horizon Tween Plugin

The goal of this plugin is to provide on the fly tween animation for UE4 with full control of tween event.

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Tutorial Video

Demo Project (Follow install note in github, you will be able to download editor build from nuget, so you don’t need to pay for trying this plugin.)

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Horizon Tween plugin is a plugin for Unreal Engine that lets you create and manage on-the-fly tween animations for your games. Tween animations are animations that smoothly interpolate between two or more values over time, such as position, rotation, scale, color, and so on.

Horizon Tween plugin supports various features that can enhance your tween design and functionality, such as tween events, tween modes, tween curves, tween collisions, tween splines, and more. You can create tween animations for actors, scene components, and UMG widgets without any C++ code required.

Horizon Tween plugin provides easy callbacks for you to implement your own game logic and feedback for each tween interaction. You can also use different lerp modes and custom curves to customize your tween effects and transitions. Horizon Tween plugin can be used in both blueprint and C++.

This plugin offers various features that can help you create and manage on-the-fly tween animations for your games, such as:

Technical Details

Supported Engine Versions

4.13 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3