Magic Series Bundle 2

Magic Series Bundle 2 comes with high-quality sounds, divided into 3 packs, exclusive sounds.

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J.BOB Sound Bundle comes with high-quality sounds, divided into 3 packs, exclusive sounds.

Save 37% (Price of assets combined: $54.97)

Listen to the Battle Magician preview

Listen to the Magic Series FIRE preview

Listen to the Magic Series Dark preview

Listen to the Magic Series Earth Stone preview

This bundle includes the following packs

✅ Magic Series FIRE

✅ Magic Series Dark

✅ Magic Series Earth Stone

Take your game experience to the next level with JBoB Sound Studio sound packs!

Buy it now.

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Technical Details

Number of Audio Waves: 897

Number of Audio Cues: 897

Sample Rate/Bit Rate: 44kHz, 16bit Stereo

Do Sound FX Loop: Yes

Minutes of Audio Provided: N/A

Supported Development Platforms: ALL

Supported Target Build Platforms: ALL

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3