Master Status System

A replicated all in one Status system that manages Status Effects, Health, Shields, and other movement related fields, that can be easily dragged and dropped into any project!

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Demo Video

Tutorial Video

The Master Status System is a fully capable status system capable of giving your characters a game like life in a matter of moments, with it you instantly get access to health, shields, status effects, and speed alterations just from a handful of functions!

In under 10 minutes you can have a whole swath of status effects and their respective actions on your character realized and even used within multiplayer games.

Be sure to check out the documentation for detailed explanations of each function, and guides on how to create new status effects and set up other things!

How to setup: follow this short guide, or check out the Full video tutorial

Short text based tutorial:

* Add Master Status System BP to your actors components.

* Go to Class Settings > Interfaces > Add > Status Actor Interface

* Go into your Event Graph in the execution line of Event ‘BeginPlay’ and get a reference to ‘Master_Status_System_BP’ on your graph, using the reference call the function ‘Setup’

* Expand ‘Interfaces’ in ‘My Blueprint’ and set up the interfaces for your actor

* Right click each interface and press ‘Implement event’ as needed

If you have issues refer to the Video, FAQ, Documentation, or feel free to join the Discord server for support.

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 20

Network Replicated: Fully Replicated

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Others untested, but should work fine.

Documentation: Google Docs

Important/Additional Notes: As this is a blueprint it will likely work on all other platforms, but has not personally been tested on any besides Windows 64 bit.

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3