Maze Dungeon Generator Plugin

Generate Complex, Multistory Dungeons with UWorlds for Rooms.



Now Free. Have fun.


You can use the source to rebuild intermediates for 4.26, and this should fix the build error.

Instead of creating huge levels, designers can create small rooms with Unreal’s built in map/level tools, and then have an object distribute those rooms properly, and handle scaling.

Floor Generation General Algorithm: (More detailed description for the whole dungeon in the documentation)

Technical Details

Epic’s resources used

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 5

Number of C++ Classes: 4

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development & Build Platforms: Windows 64 bit, Mac, Android, IOS,


Important/Additional Notes:

Change the singleton in the project settings to DungeonSingleton_BP, or level streaming for rooms and stairs won’t work!

Level Streaming/Level Instance creation and Door spawning are now available at editor time. This is a major feature of 1.1 update.

Maps that represent rooms are unlit, and will appear completely black in the editor. Change the viewmode to unlit.

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.1