Nine Slicer

Utility tab is visually perform a 9 slice on UMG images

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If you want to:

Then I encourage you to keep reading, this product might be for you.

Unity vs Unreal

Comparing Unity and Unreal is always a hot topic.

This debate depends on so many aspects which makes it very hard to draw conclusions.

However, one things is clear: Unity’s nine slicing editor is better.

The visual handles make it so much easier to interact and visually what’s going on.

If you’ve worked with scalable UMG images, you probably know what I am talking about.

Now, I could simply switch over to Unity and use it.

But I love Unreal, so I decided to build one for us instead.

The guarantees

#1 Premium quality support: There is a high chance you won’t need it, but if you have any troubles or suggestions, professional and lightning-speed support forever is included.

#2 Updates for future engine version: I’ve been working on plugins since 4.20 and I plan to upgrade them forever. Today I have automated pipelines to test and deliver updates directly.

#3 No upgrades or subscriptions: This is the only version of the plugin, there will be no Pro or 2.0 plugin. All future upgrades will be done to this product.

Technical Details


How to use


Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3