Animals for your game environments by Living Systems. Add interactive Pigs to your game environments. Drag and drop. Built in herding behavior and enemy avoidance.

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Preview: https://youtu.be/tYr2T-qLk5M

These Pigs feature herding behavior with leader and follower Pigs. They have a Health and Stamina System and use a full AI Controller, Blackboard and Behavior Tree Environment. They keep track of and run from Enemy Actors that they see using the Perception system. You can also play as a Pig.

Leader Pigs – will roam to random Pig Path Targets you place around your level. As they move around they will lose stamina (at an adjustable rate). When out of Stamina they will rest. They will keep track of all actors with an Enemy Tag in their Perception range and run from the nearest Enemy.

Follower Pigs – will keep an eye out for Leaders to follow as they roam to random Pig Path Nodes. Follower Pigs will become tied to the first Leader that they encounter. If their leader dies they will be on the lookout for a new leader. Follower Pigs will also run from Actors with an Enemy Tag, and once clear of the Enemy they will regroup with their Leader. Follower pigs will also rest but only when the Leader does, so they sleep as a group.

Non-Grouping Pigs – will act as lone solo pigs without care for leaders or followers. Non grouping Pigs will have the same behavior as a leader Pig without having followers.

Technical Details

Pigs v1.0 Includes:

Rigged: (Yes)

Animated: (Yes)

Number of Animations: 40

Animation types:

Number of characters: 4 (Pink Pig, Brown Pig, Spot Pig, & Stripe Pig)

Vertex counts of characters:

Number of Materials: 11

Number of Textures: 27

Texture Resolutions:

Supported Development Platforms:

Documentation: For more videos, Information, and Troubleshooting visit the Forum Thread

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3