Roji File Utilities

File utilities to manage the filesystem, import and export files using Text, Config and CSV formats.

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The Roji File Utilities Plugin includes ~150 Blueprint nodes to Save and Load data using Text (.txt), CSV and Configuration(.ini) files using native datatypes. CSV files can exported to external programs (like MS-Excel, ploty, chartio, etc.) or imported directly into Unreal datatypes. The plugin includes Utility Functions to perform routine disk operations and filesystem maintenance. The Roji File Utilities Plugin [Runtime] is compatible with Unreal Engines 5.1-5.3. A UE4 version is available.


No C++ knowledge is required. The File Utilities Plugin adds nodes to the Blueprint Editor. The plugin add new Blueprint functions to perform the following functions.


Text, Config and CSV files (.txt, .ini and .csv) Functions:


Utility Functions:


Supported Datatypes (Save, Save Array, Save Config, Save Array of Config):


Supported Datatypes (Save Array CSV, Load Array CSV):


Supported Datatypes (Load, Load Array, Load Config, Load Array of Config):


Supported Platforms:


Development Environment Used:


Note: The plugin compiles for Android (UE5) but hasn’t been tested in that environment. There are no plans to add Android or IOS support at this time.

Technical Details

No C++ knowledge required. A fast and easy way to add file save and load operations to any project with a few Blueprint nodes. A comprehensive solution, supporting a wide variety of datatypes, including functions to:


Supported Datatypes:


Code Modules:


Number of Blueprint Nodes: 140+

Number of C++ Classes: 1 (URojiFileUtilitiesBPLibrary)

Network Replicated: No

Supported Target Build Platforms:

Documentation: Manual v1.1.2

Example Project: UE52. UE51, Ad-Hoc CSV_ASSET (new)

Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3