Sci-Fi Modular Hover Vehicles

Parts and ready prefabs for Sci-Fi Military Hover Vehicles. Useful Blueprints included.

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Video Demo 1Video Demo 2Video Demo 3

This asset gives you collection of meshes with high quality PBR materials for creating a variety of military futuristic hover tanks and hover guns, radars, missile launchers and cargo crafts. Flexible configuration allows you to add Your own or 3rd party meshes as well. All is static meshes based, no skeletal meshes used.

Explore all the provided demo maps!

While asset is “props” category, there are also very convenient Blueprints provided, including customizable hovering components, vehicles auto-moving in circle (configure speed, radius), weapons auto-rotating. Also there are basic particles systems provided for hover effects, and configurable lights as well.

Even better! For immediate fun testing, there are two pilotable hovercrafts. Movement and rotation of vehicle, and aiming and shooting of weapons. Two camera views, option for mouse Y-invert provided as well.

Try map “MAP_Demo_Playground”!

Planned updates:

> Different body version

> Destroyed vehicles versions

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 46

Collision: Yes, hand-made and auto-created

Vertex Count: 60 – 42000

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 159

Number of Textures: 215

Texture Resolutions: 512 – 4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Not Tested

Documentation: Link Here. Also, Basic Help is provided in demo maps

Important/Additional Notes:

Sound effects (CC0) used for engines and missiles noises:

Kenney Free Assets

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3