
This plugin is mainly used to import shapefile files to read layer feature information coordinates and attribute tables

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Shp stands for Shapefile, a file format commonly used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).Shapefile is a format for storing spatial vector data defined by Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute), Inc. for storing, analyzing, and sharing geographic data in GIS software.

A Shapefile consists of multiple files, usually named with the same filename but different extensions. It contains three main files:

.shp file: contains information about spatial geometry, such as coordinate data for points, lines, or polygons.

.shx files: spatial index files for quick access to the geometry in the .shp files.

.dbf file: a table file containing attribute data for describing the attribute information associated with the geometry.


Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints:3

Number of C++ Classes:2

Supported Development Platforms: (Win64)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Win64)

Supported Engine Versions

5.2 – 5.3