Throw Helper VR Component

Throw Helper VR Component automatically corrects direction and speed of the object thrown by player, so the object (basketball, grenade, knife, you name it) always hits the bull’s eye!

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Throw Helper VR Component automatically corrects direction and speed of the object thrown by the player, so the object (basketball, grenade, knife, you name it) always hits the bull’s eye!

Depending on the Throw Helper VR Component parameters (angular accuracy in the XY plane, the maximum percentage deviation from the optimal value of the throw speed and maximum distance to Target), a stronger or weaker correction of the throw is possible.

With a moderate correction of the speed of the throw, the player gets the impression that getting into the desired Target is entirely his merit.

Any number of Target Actors can be present in the scene. At the time of the throw, the Throw Helper VR Component analyzes the initial direction of the speed of the thrown object and automatically selects the desired Target.

Feel free to contact me on any questions.


– 100% blueprint;

– Easy to use;

– Customizable options available;

– Works perfect with the basic VR template.

Technical Details


New options added:

Keep Initial Speed – if set to True, only direction of initial velocity vector will be changed during correction. Use case – bowling like games.

Tightness Velocity, Tightness XY – how strong is correction. 1 – full correction, 0 – no correction. Use case – drop of granades, when there is no need for 100% accurate throw, just a little correction.


New option added for THTargetActor: Position prediction.

Now you can use position prediction for moving targets. It works pretty well for targets that have linear velocity. Keep in mind – it will not give you a 100% prediction. That’s why I consider this feature as experimental.

Still, you can modify prediction logic to use your algorithm and math. See Get Target Position in THTargetActor.


Improved performance.


Small fixes


Fix for UE5

Adding Velocity smoothing. The component itself calculates the speed of the actor and smooths it over N frames. The functionality can work even if there are no Targets in the scene, improving the user experience with poor tracking.


How to use video:

Platforms tested:


SteamVR / Oculus VR

Intended platforms:

Windows, Mac, Linux

SteamVR / HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro, Oculus Rift, Oculus Rift S, Oculus Quest

Supported Engine Versions

4.16 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3