Vitruvio CityEngine Plugin

Vitruvio brings the procedural power of ArcGIS CityEngine to Unreal Engine and allows generating vast cities and complex buildings within seconds.

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Vitruvio brings ArcGIS CityEngine’s procedural modeling power to Unreal Engine. It enables generating procedural buildings using CityEngine’s generative runtime and shape grammars. Generated buildings remain procedural at all times. Attributes such as height, style or appearance can be modified in real-time to generate new building variations. Vitruvio can also be used in a packaged product and buildings can be generated dynamically at runtime.

Important: Proceed to the official GitHub page to download Vitruvio. The latest release is not available in the Epic Games Launcher any longer.

Watch the trailer on YouTube.

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Release Notes

Vitruvio 1.4 (UE 5.2 – 3 July 2023)

Release for Unreal Engine 5.2 using CityEngine SDK 3.0 (CityEngine 2023.0).


Vitruvio 1.3 (UE 5.1 – 3 February 2023)

Release for Unreal Engine 5.1 using CityEngine SDK 2.7 (CityEngine 2022.1).


Vitruvio 1.2 (UE 5.0 – 22 July 2022)

Release for Unreal Engine 5.0 using CityEngine SDK 2.6 (CityEngine 2022.0).


Fixes and minor featuers:

Vitruvio 1.1.1 (UE 4.27 – 27 January 2022)

Bugfix release for Unreal Engine 4.27 using CityEngine SDK 2.4 (CityEngine 2021.0).


Vitruvio 1.1 (UE 4.27 – 15 October 2021)

Release for Unreal Engine 4.27 using CityEngine SDK 2.4 (CityEngine 2021.0).


Vitruvio 1.0.1 (UE 4.26 – 23 February 2021)

Minor release for Unreal Engine 4.26 using CityEngine SDK 2.3 (CityEngine 2020.1).


Vitruvio 1.0 (UE 4.26 – 11 December 2020)

Initial release for Unreal Engine 4.26 using CityEngine SDK 2.3 (CityEngine 2020.1).

Licensing Information

Vitruvio is free for personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial use requires at least one commercial license of the latest CityEngine version installed in the organization. Redistribution or web service offerings are not allowed unless expressly permitted.

Vitruvio is under the same license as the included CityEngine SDK.

All content in the “Examples” directory/section is licensed under the APACHE 2.0 license. You may obtain a copy of this license at

For questions or enquiries regarding licensing, please contact

Technical Details

Vitruvio uses CityEngine’s Procedural Runtime (PRT) to generate buildings and cities. As input it takes a rule package (RPK), an initial shape and a set of attributes.

The generation process starts with the initial shape (which can be any Unreal Static Mesh or Spline) from which shape grammar rules are expanded. The shape grammar rules, together with all necessary assets, are bundled in RPKs which can be exported from ArcGIS CityEngine and imported into your Unreal Engine project. The attributes are parameters that control shape generation. They can be changed in the Unreal Editor or dynamically at runtime.

Code Modules:

Number of C++ Classes: 42

Supported Development Platforms: Windows 64-bit

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows 64-bit

Supported Engine Versions
