Yandex AppMetrica Mobile Analytics

Yandex AppMetrica is a free analytics for your mobile app

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This plugin allows you to integrate the Yandex AppMetrica Analytics into your mobile application. Use it to track user behavior, sessions, user progress, ads show/skip count etc. The plugin is very easy to use. Just set your app API key and build your app to test it.

Technical Details

On iOS you should call blueprint function “YandexAppMetricaInitSDK” anywere you want to start tracking.

If you want to track user behavior, you should use “YandexAppMetricaReportEvent”. Check the Docs

Last Updates:

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 1

Number of C++ Classes: 3

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: Android, iOS

Supported Engine Versions

4.23 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3